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How to teach your kids about home security?

There are going to times when you need to leave your kids at home alone. Especially as your kids get a bit older, it is only natural that they need to be on their own at times. Did you set down with your kids and establish a clear plan of action to keep them safe against invasions? Do your kids know how to operate the home security system? Do they know what to do in case some stranger knocks at the door and how to deal with such emergencies? Here is a quick guide on your kid’s home security. Kid's home security

Talk to them

First of all, talk about why you are having this discussion without transferring your inner fears. It will only make them panic if any real emergency strikes. Educate your kids and help them develop good security habits to help them stand in good stead. Prepare them.

Are you ready to learn more on how you can up your kid’s home security

Always lock doors and windows

You can’t stress enough the importance of keeping all doors and windows locked, when kids are at home alone. should know it is important to always locks the doors, even if they need to drop in at the next-door neighbours for a minute. Be persistent with this habit and keep reminding them. The same goes for garage doors, especially when they are attached to your home.

It’s a high-tech world. Are your kids ready? 

Installed a high-tech home security system? Your child must know the ins and outs of the system. For example, they should know how to activate as well as deactivate the system. Your kids should know the password. Make sure the password is easy to remember but at the same time make it known that sharing this password at school or with strangers is not allowed. Work together and practice all the features of your home security system with your kids.

Social media best practices

Kids today are very active on social media. While you can’t always monitor their activities and you must trust them, it is important to establish rules on what they can share and not share on social media. They should know that there are wrong kind of people luring on these sites, putting their safety, security and emotional well being at a great risk.

What you can let them know? You can instruct them not to share too much information, even if the privacy settings are in place. And never to post that they are home alone.

Answering the door

What should a child do when there is knock on the door and you are not home? This could be a double whammy as you don’t want a criminal to know that no one’s home. And you certainly don’t want your kids to open the door for a stranger.

  1. Install a digital peephole. Your child can check who’s on the door on a screen mounted on the inside of the door, without opening the door themselves.
  2. Your kids should never tell a stranger that their parents are not home. They can say their parent is on phone or busy.
  3. Ask them never to open door for a stranger or a person who has not been pre-approved by you. Run your kids through various scenarios when a stranger can say things that may compel your kids to open the door for them. For example, a burglar on the door can pretend to be a policeman, repairman, maintenance guy etc. Your kids must ask them to come later.

What if there is an emergency? Your kids should know how to call 911.  Most importantly, make them memorize the complete address and phone number. Take out time to practice security drills with them. A prepared child is always better equipped to handle emergency situations.


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